“Little Red Riding Hood” Story

Materials: “Little Red Riding Hood” from the wolf’s perspective


“Little Red Riding Hood” Story

Exercise description In the plenary, read this version of “Little Red Riding Hood”, which is different from the classic fairy tale because it is told from the wolf’s perspective. Story of the Little Red Riding Hood from the Wolf’s Perspective I lived in the woods. It was my home and I did my best to keep it clean and tidy.

One sunny day, as I was picking up bits of food left behind by people, I heard footsteps. Looking behind a tree, I saw a girl with a basket coming down the path. She seemed suspicious to me right away – she was dressed so strangely, all in red, with a hood on hear head, as if she wanted to disguise herself.

Although I know that you shouldn’t judge people by their appearance, she was in my woods and it seemed right that I should try to find out more about her. I asked her who she was, where she came from, and so on. First she rudely told me she did not talk to strangers. I, a stranger? I, who live in these woods with my whole family, a stranger?! Then she calmed down a bit and told me about her grandma. The grandma was ill and she was bringing her lunch. Actually, the girl seemed like an honest person to me and I thought it would be good to set her straight and teach her that it’s not nice to skulk around other people’s woods dressed so suspiciously.

I let her go on her way, but I hurried down a shortcut to her grandma’s house. When I got to grandma’s I explained the whole situation to her and she agreed with me that it would be good for her granddaughter to learn to be more polite to others. We agreed that she should hide under the bed until I called her.

When the girl arrived, I called from the bedroom where I was lying in bed dressed in her grandma’s clothes. Her cheeks ruddy, she came into the room and right away said something insulting about my ears. I was no stranger to being insulted, so I tried not to make a big deal out of it and simply said that I needed big ears to hear her better. What I wanted to say was that I found her likeable, but she should take more care about how she talks. But then she started making fun of my eyes. Surely you understand that my feelings about the little girl quickly shifted and from someone likeable, to me she suddenly seemed like a very unpleasant creature. But, as I was experienced in controlling my anger, I simply said that I needed my big eyes to see her better.

With her next insult, however, she really crossed the line. I’ve had some dental issues in the past and that girl really couldn’t come up with anything better to say than to remind me of my oversized teeth. I know I shouldn’t have reacted so impulsively, but I jumped from the bed and growled at her that my big teeth would come in handy when I ate her!

Let me be clear that no wolf would ever dream of eating a little girl. Everyone knows that. But to my surprise, the silly girl started running through the house screaming. I ran after her to try to calm her down. I took off grandma’s clothes. But suddenly I heard a pounding at the door and the forester came in, a man seven feet tall with an axe in his hands. When I saw him, I knew I was in big trouble. Quickly, I jumped out the window and ran away.

If only that were the end of the tale, but grandma never told anyone my side of the story. Soon rumours spread that I was a horrid creature and not to be trusted. I don’t know what happened to the girl afterwards, but I can tell you that the rest of my life was ruined.


Evaluation Suggested questions to evaluate the exercise: What do you think about this story? What does it tell you?


Type of exercise:


15-60 min


Before reading the story, check whether the participants know the original version of “Little Red Riding Hood”, because if most don’t, the story will not have the desired effect.

Possible difficulties:

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