Large Barometer: What Does (Not) Contribute to Dealing with the Past?

Materials: Prepared papers with statements (see exercise description)


Exercise description

The large barometer method

The poles for the barometer are: “Contributes to dealing with the past” and “Does not contribute to dealing with the past”.


Some statements and social phenomena for the barometer:

  1. Economic cooperation in the region.
  2. Memorial plaques at sites of atrocities and camps.
  3. Monuments to fallen fighters.
  4. Marking the anniversary of Operation Storm.
  5. De-victimisation.
  6. Influence of religious communities.
  7. The Hague Tribunal.
  8. Apologies by statesmen.
  9. War crimes trials before domestic courts.
  10. War documentaries.
  11. Work on trauma.
  12. Inter-ethnic youth summer camps.
  13. Judgement of the International Court of Justice at The Hague.
  14. Collective responsibility.
  15. Individualisation of guilt.
  16. Abolishing nationalist political parties.
  17. Amnesty in exchange for guilty pleas.
  18. Prohibiting segregation in schools.
  19. Joint football league.
  20. Centre for Nonviolent Communication in Srebrenica.
  21. Pressure by the international community.
  22. Determining the precise number of victims.

Type of exercise:


90-180 min


Related Workshops:

Dealing with the past

Workshop example:

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