Pros and Cons


Large pieces of paper, markers

Exercise description

Division into small three groups.

Step 1. Question: What would those who are against these kinds of meetings say to us? List and wrote on large pieces of paper, without any discussion.

Step 2. Each group receives one topic and writes down pros and cons relating to it. The topics are:

–     Forgive but never forget.

–     The people are to blame for the war.

–     Those who fought in the war are today working on reconciliation.

A presentation of the wall newspapers created in step 1 follows and then of the wall newspapers created in step two of the exercise. These presentations inform the discussion in plenary.


This exercise was designed during a training for war veterans, who find the question “What would people who are against these kinds of meetings say to us?” very relevant. The reason behind this is that these meetings are often not viewed favourably. At the end of the training it is useful and inspiring to ask the question: What would you say to those who are against these kinds of meetings?

Possible difficulties:

Workshop example:

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