Third Time*

Materials: A lot of newspapers, 10 rolls of sticky tape or masking tape, paper, pencils

Exercise description

Introductory directions: “Find a pair for this experiential exercise, which is challenging and might be difficult. Take a piece of paper and a pencil and group yourselves into pairs.”

Each pair is given a stack of newspapers or masking tape and their task is to make a stick. The pairs will agree on who will be Person A and who will be Person B.


Step 1. Person A should beat Person B for 30 seconds. Person B is supposed to run away from Person A. Before beginning, they should write down on a piece of paper the thoughts/feelings/ questions they have going into the exercise. After the exercise, each person should briefly describe their experience in writing.


Step 2. Person A should beat Person B for 30 seconds. Person B should defend themselves so that as few blows as possible land. Before they begin, they should write down the thoughts/feelings/ questions they have going into this exercise. After the exercise, each person should briefly describe their experience in writing.


Step 3. Person A should beat Person B for 30 seconds. Person B should use a new strategy that wasn’t used in the first two steps but without using violence. Before they begin, they should write down the thoughts/feelings/questions they have going into this exercise. After the exercise, each person should briefly describe their experience in writing.

Person A and Person B exchange roles and the steps are repeated.



Suggested questions for evaluating the exercise:

  • How do you feel now?
  • How did other people’s reactions influence you?
  • What did you write down?
  • What does this experience remind you of?


* Bittl-Drempetic. Gewaltfrei Handeln, p. 378.


This exercise can be very demanding and difficult. We recommend doing this exercise only if someone on the training team knows it well and has previous experience leading it. Also, this exercise is not done in basic training but only in advanced groups. The exercise should be carefully evaluated because strong emotions will inevitably be present. You should pay special attention to the people who are surprised by their violent behaviour and are feeling guilty about it.

Possible difficulties:

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