What I Liked/What Bothered Me in Our Communication


Post-its, pencils, flipchart paper


Exercise description

Everyone  is  given  a  few  post-its.  More  post-its are kept on hand in case someone needs them. The participants are tasked with thinking about and writing down their answers to the questions: “What did I like in communication with others in this group?” and “What bothered me in communication with others in this group?” When they finish writing, everyone reads what they have written and attaches the post-its to the flipchart paper or wall newspaper.

Then the group moves on to the second part of the exercise. Now they write their answers to the questions: “What did I like about my own communication with others?” and “What bothered me about my own communication with others?” The answers are again read out in plenary.

Type of exercise:


15-60 min


In situations when there is a lack of trust in the group, conflicts or animosity, it can be helpful to open up space for discussing these difficulties. This exercise can create an excellent atmosphere for working on feedback.

Possible difficulties:

Related Workshops:

Nonviolent communication

Workshop example:

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