Criteria for Activists (“Dub” Island)

Materials: Large pieces of paper, markers

Exercise description

Step 1. Divide into three groups. The task is for the participants to determine which criteria people involved with peacebuilding should meet, and what abilities/qualities they should have, and to write them down on a large piece of paper. A short presentation in the plenary follows.

Step 2. After this, one volunteer (A) leaves the first group, two volunteers (B, B) leave the third group and three volunteers (C, C, C) leave the third group. The group that was left by three volunteers is joined by three new people (A, B and B) with the special task of attempting to change some of the criteria and the group that was left by one person receives a new person (C) with the same task. The second group is joined by two people (C, C), one of whom is “against” and the other “for” the established criteria.


Suggested questions for evaluating the exercise: What went on during the exercise? (focus on the process, the content is in exercise Expectations From Peace Activists)

Type of exercise:


45-90 min


This exercise is useful when you need to home in on teamwork and conflict and at the same time examine peacebuilding work itself.

Evaluation group by group enables more focused work. During evaluation, we generally start with the group that was joined by one person. First, members of the group are asked to tell everyone what happened, and then the “new person” has the opportunity to explain what went on and how they experienced it. At that point they are asked to say what their role was and what was the special task given to them. An important question, of course, is how many criteria they managed to change. Following evaluation of that group, we can proceed with the evaluation of the group that was joined by three new people. Is there a difference in the dynamics between the first group and this group? Why is this so? Lastly, we evaluate the group that was joined by two new people, but with different tasks. Were they perceived and treated differently by other members in the group? Why? If it has not already been underlined during the course of evaluation, make a reference to similarities with everyday life at the end.

Possible difficulties:

Workshop example:

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