Who Is This?

Materials: Small pieces of paper with the names of all participants, “hat”, paper and pencils/felt-tip pens   Exercise description The small pieces of paper with the names of the participants...

What Bothers Me About Us Is…

Exercise description The participants split into same-gender pairs. The topic is “What bothers me about us women/men is...” First one person speaks (for about two minutes) and the other just...

Venn Diagrams (Sets)

Materials: Papers with Venn diagrams (sets) Everyone receives a handout with as many Venn diagrams (three ellipses that intersect, see picture) as there are participants. Write the name of one...

To My Wall

Exercise description Split into two groups. The groups line up facing each other so that each person from one group has a pair from the other. The pairs stand with...

Telling It*

Exercise description The trainer asks the participants to sit in a circle. When everyone is seated comfortably, the exercise procedures are set up as are the rules of the discussion....

Similarities and Differences

Exercise description The participants fill out the worksheet (15 minutes) with the following questions: Three things that I have in common with the rest of the group; Three things that...

Practising “I-speech” in Pairs

Exercise description Split into pairs. Instructions: Think about a situation that made you angry, explain the circumstances to your partner and role play your initial reaction. Your partner should respond...

Obstacles in Work: Situations

Materials: Handouts with situations   Exercise description Divide into three groups. Each small group is given two situation scenarios (of the three described below), which they need to examine. They...

National Identity Questionnaire

Materials: Printout of the questionnaire for all the participants.   Exercise description All participants are given a copy of the questionnaire. The trainer asks the participants to think back and...


Materials: Music Exercise description Choose a piece of music beforehand that all the participants might like and make sure you have the means to play it. Ask for a volunteer...

Let Me Introduce You

The participants split into pairs. Everyone tells their partner some information about themselves. The other person listens carefully and tries to commit this information to memory. They then switch roles....

Introductions in Pairs

Everyone stands in a circle. The trainer tells the participants to find a partner with whom they believe they have the most in common and then sets a topic for...

First Round

Materials: Chairs   Exercise description The chairs are set up in two concentric circles, so that each chair in the inner circle faces a chair in the outer circle (see...

Feedback in Pairs

Exercise description Before the exercise, briefly introduce the notion of feedback, its rules and purpose. This is an opportunity to give each other feedback and to receive it. We approach...

Definition of Violence

Materials: Paper and pencils   Exercise description Split into pairs or threes. Each pair or group of three is to come up with their definition of violence. The definitions are...

Criteria for Activists (“Dub” Island)

Materials: Large pieces of paper, markers Exercise description Step 1. Divide into three groups. The task is for the participants to determine which criteria people involved with peacebuilding should meet,...

Concentric Circles of Introduction

The chairs are set up in two concentric circles, so that each chair in one circle faces a chair in the other (see illustration). The number of chairs is equal...

Associations: Women, Men

Exercise description The participants split into two groups: women and men. All the participants in both groups get two post- its each. They have 30 seconds to write down the...

Actors in Dealing with the Past

Materials: Paper, felt-tip pens, masking tape   Exercise description With the help of the training team, the participants identify all the social groups relevant in public and political life (politicians,...

Active Listening Exercise

Materials: Flipchart paper, marker   Exercise description Split the group into pairs. Person A takes five minutes to tell their partner, person B, about something that angered them recently or...

“Husband, Wife, Compote” Story

Materials: Paper and pencils   Exercise description The participants split into two or three groups. A volunteer from each group is taken aside and the story below is read out...