Wall Newspaper: Conflicts

Wall Newspaper: Conflicts Arise Because of... Duration: 5–10 minutes Wall Newspaper: Types of Behaviour in Conflicts Duration: 5–10 minutes

Using a Chart to Analyse Conflict

Materials: Printed out charts for all participants Exercise description The participants are handed out copies of the conflict analysis chart. Their task is to think of a conflict they were...

Understanding and Analysing Conflict

The main objectives of the Understanding and Analysing Conflict workshop include making a clear distinction between conflict and violence, analysing your own behaviour and that of others in conflict situations,...

Uncomfortable Chairs*

Exercise description All the participants receive a card with one of the following instructions: “Put all the chairs in a circle. You have 10 minutes to complete the task.” “Put...

Then they discuss in small groups, without feedback in the plenary.

Exercise description Split into small groups (of four, for example). Discussion topics: - What do I find hardest in conflicts? - What dilemmas do I have? - In which situations...

Second Glance

Exercise description Step 1: View of the conflict from the perspective of group A – others speaking Place two chairs in front of the others and invite two people who...

My Conflicts

Materials: Paper and pencils Exercise description Everyone should think of a conflict they were involved in, specifically: a conflict that isn’t yours, but you’re implicated in it; a conflict you...

My Attitude to Conflict

Materials: Paper, felt-tip pens Exercise description Ask the participants to write down three associations about conflict, one per piece of paper. Then the papers are laid out on the floor...

Method Barometer

Prepare statements beforehand based on the topic. Determine two “poles” (end positions) in the room: for instance, one wall can stand for one pole (strong agreement with a statement) and...

Life on an Island

Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description The participants split into small groups (of 5 to 7 people). They are told that they find themselves on a desert island – each...


Materials: Flipchart paper, felt-tip pens, markers Exercise description The trainer introduces the meaning of the term “iceberg”. The iceberg is a symbolic representation of what we show and what we...

I Compete When…

Materials: Flipchart paper, pens Exercise description Split into three groups. Each group is tasked with preparing a wall newspaper about one of the following topics: - I compete when... -...


The participants split into two groups. One group will be in the “fortress” and the other will be outside trying to get in. Both groups have 15 minutes to prepare...


The Fishbowlis a method for discussing a topic or making a decision. The participants sit in a circle with four to six chairs placed in the middle of the circle...

Enemy images

Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Split into groups according to the participant’s home country/region. Step 1. The participants are instructed to list the groups their environment presented as enemies...

Drawing Battle

Materials: Paper and pencils Exercise description Everyone splits up into pairs of person A and person B. The participants are asked not to talk during the exercise. All the A...

Documentary from the Series on Simulated Dialogue

Materials: Equipment to show and watch the film Exercise description The documentary series Simulated Dialogue* establishes indirect dialogue between people from the Balkans. Each of the films deals with the...

Definitions of Conflict

Materials: Paper/card, multiple sheets for each participant Exercise description The participants take one or more cards and legibly write out their answer to the question: “What is conflict?” They write...

Conflict Barometer

Exercise description The barometer method Suggested statements for the barometer: Every conflict is bad. Conflict is the same as violence. You should show your emotions in a conflict. The victim...

Conflict and Modelling Clay

Materials: Modelling clay Exercise description The participants use modelling clay and plasticine to make a sculpture about conflict. An exhibition of sculptures is set up where everyone presents their work....

Analysing Behaviour in Conflict Using a Chart

Materials: Flipchart paper, markers, prepared conflict behaviour analysis charts Exercise description The participants fill out the chart in small groups. They give presentations in the plenary, followed by a discussion....