What Is It Like Being King/Queen?

Materials: Post-its, pencils, chair   Exercise description Find a volunteer to be the king/queen of the group. They sit in a chair in the middle of the room while the...

Twenty Minutes of Blindness

Materials: Blindfolds for all participants (scarves, kerchiefs)   Exercise description Slowly and clearly read the instructions: “The whole group will spend 20 minutes doing as they please. You can go...

Presidential Elections

Materials: Paper and pencils Exercise description The participants split into two groups: the “candidates” (five or six persons) and the “voters”. The candidates have two to three minutes to come...

Method Barometer

Prepare statements beforehand based on the topic. Determine two “poles” (end positions) in the room: for instance, one wall can stand for one pole (strong agreement with a statement) and...

Leadership Barometer

Exercise description   The barometer method Go through three to five statements.   Suggested statements for the barometer: A leader must be a figure of authority. Any complex task requires...


The objectives of the Leadership workshop include: analysing the role of leader and expectations of leaders, analysing the link between the group and the leader, analysing the division of responsibility...

Elephant Walk

Materials: Blindfolds, tables, chairs, textiles, other props   Exercise description Before the workshop, ask participants to bring something to the workshop that they can use as a blindfold (a scarf,...

Delegating Exercise

Materials: Prepared index cards with more information for the groups Exercise description Split  into  three  groups:  “Drama”,  “Music”  and “Computers/English”. Story: “The youth centre in a small Bosnian town has...

Come and Go

Exercise description Participants are divided into two groups – group A and group B. The groups line up to face each other with a few metres between the lines so...

Choosing the King/Queen of the Group

Materials: Post-its, pencils, chair   Exercise description Instructions: You have unlimited time to pick one of you to be the king/queen of the group, but without talking.   Evaluation Suggested...


Materials: Chairs or other items to serve as obstacles Exercise description The participants split into two groups. Each group forms a “centipede”: They stand in a column, eyes closed, with...


Materials: “Paintings”, “Points” Exercise description The participants split into three groups. Each group is given the task of buying as many paintings at the auction as they can. The bidding...