Why Reconciliation?
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description The participants should imagine themselves having to explain to someone why we need reconciliation and find arguments in support of it. One person...
Who is Supposed to Reconcile with Whom/What?
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers, felt-tip pens Exercise description Flipchart papers are laid out on the floor (enough of them so that a number of participants can write on them...
What Tells Us That We Are (Not) Living in Peace? What Could Lead to a New War? 2
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Instead of splitting up into small groups, wall newspapers can be prepared collectively for each of the three topics. What tells us that...
What Tells Us That We Are (Not) Living in Peace? What Could Lead to a New War?
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Split into three groups. Each group is tasked with preparing a wall newspaper about one of the following topics: What tells us that...
What Contributes to Peacebuilding?
Materials: A4 or A5 paper, felt-tip pens Exercise description The participants are given three pieces of paper and asked to write in large legible letters three things they recognise...
What Can We Do to Take a Step towards Reconciliation?
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Step 1. Split into groups based on home countries and prepare wall newspapers about: “What can we do to take a step towards...
What Can Others Do?
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Split into four mixed small groups. The small groups discuss: “What would I like to hear from others and what would make it...
What are the Greatest Challenges in Peacebuilding?
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Split into small groups. Discuss and prepare a presentation about: “What are the greatest challenges in peacebuilding?” This is followed by presentations and...
The Media Image of the Past
Materials: Different daily newspapers and political magazines from the region, Flipchart paper, scissors, glue Exercise description Split into three groups. Each group gets a few different dailies and political...
Reconciliation Has Arrived!
Materials: Multicoloured post-its, pencils, Flipchart paper Exercise description Everyone gets a few multicoloured post-its (have extra post-its on hand if needed). The task is to imagine that reconciliation has...
Reconciliation Fishbowl
Exercise description The fishbowl method is described in detail at the beginning of this section on p. 65. There are four chairs in the fishbowl. They are taken by...
Reconciliation Barometer
Exercise description Method barometar Suggestions of issues: Nation building is part of the reconciliation process. Recognising that an injustice has been committed and apologising are preconditions for reconciliation. Prosecuting war...
Reconciliation and Me
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Flipchart papers are laid out on the floor, each with one of the following questions: What is my biggest challenge in reconciliation? With...
Quick Situations
Exercise description Read out a scenario (that simply demands a response) and ask the question: “What do you do?” The participants share their ideas about possible reactions. The goal isn’t...
Questions I’m Not Supposed to Ask
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Split into groups according to the participants’ home countries. The task is to prepare a wall newspaper about “Questions I’m not supposed to...
Pros and Cons
Materials: Large pieces of paper, markers Exercise description Division into small three groups. Step 1. Question: What would those who are against these kinds of meetings say to us? List...
Planning Work on Peacebuilding in the Local Community
Materials: A few copies of the handout, a large piece of paper, markers Exercise description Step 1. Three participants from different communities are given a task beforehand (a few days)...
Peacebuilding Priorities in Different Countries
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description The participants split based on the countries they come from. Their task is to define the priorities of peacebuilding in their countries. They...
Peacebuilding and Me
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers, felt-tip pens Exercise description Everyone thinks about the following questions on their own: “Things that confuse and annoy me the most about peacebuilding. What don’t...
A certain level of sensitivity to different forms of violence is a precondition for working on the topic of Peacebuilding. If the participants have not done the workshop aimed at...
Past, Future
Materials: Paper, felt-tip pens Exercise description Task: Pair up. 1) Think of at least three to five important moments in your relationship to peacebuilding so far. Write each on...
News from the Future
Materials: “News from the Future” prepared in advance Exercise description Read out the following three pieces of “news from the future”: 1. The Association of BiH Army Veterans welcomed...
My Definition of Peace
Materials: Different coloured paper, felt-tip pens Exercise description Everyone in the group writes their definition of peace on a different coloured piece of paper. Then a “colourful sea” of...
My Contribution to Reconciliation
Exercise description The task is for each participant to say what they see as their contribution to reconciliation, taking turns around the circle. Before they start, they should be given...
Memorialisation: Monuments 2
Materials: Photographs of monuments, flipchart paper, marker Exercise description Step1. In smaller groups, start a discussion about the function of existing forms of memorialisation. Prepare a wall newspaper about: “What...
Memorialisation: Monuments
Materials: Photographs of monuments, flipchart paper, marker Exercise description Step1. Prepare wall newspapers in the plenary about: “What are monuments for? What is their purpose? Who do we make...
Large Barometer: What Is/Is Not Ethical?
Materials: Prepared papers with statements (see exercise description) The large barometer method Exercise description The poles of the barometer are “Is ethical” and “Is not ethical”. Some situations...
Large barometer: Peacebuilding
Materials: Prepared pieces of paper with statements (see exercise description) The large barometer method. The poles of the barometer are “Is peacebuilding” and “Is not peacebuilding”. Some statements and social...
Justice, Forgiveness, Truth, Reconciliation*
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description The participants split into four small groups: justice, forgiveness, truth, and reconciliation. The groups discuss and prepare a presentation about: “Why are you...
Justice, Forgiveness, Truth, Peace
Exercise description Pairs of participants are tasked with advocating (i.e. speaking in favour of) one of the following terms: justice, forgiveness (or mercy), truth, or peace. These are the four...
How I See Peacebuilding
Exercise description Split into smaller groups. Questions for discussion and preparing a presentation: What is peacebuilding for me? Values we connect to peacebuilding. Reasons why peacebuilding is relevant/ needed in...
Exercise with Tasks*
Materials: Prepared envelopes with tasks, Paper, pencils, Flipchart paper, markers, other Exercise description The participants are given envelopes containing descriptions of tasks. The tasks are different and there is...
Exercise with Tasks (2)
Materials: Prepared envelopes with tasks, Paper, pencils, Flipchart paper, markers, other Exercise description There are 18 tasks in the workroom, one for each participant. The participants should find their...
Documentary from the Series on Simulated Dialogue
Materials: Equipment to show and watch the film Exercise description The documentary series Simulated Dialogue* establishes indirect dialogue between people from the Balkans. Each of the films deals with the...
Developing Ideas About Peace/Nonviolent Activism 2
Exercise description Divide the participants into smaller groups. Participants develop the idea and plan how to implement peace activities using a catalogue of questions as a basis. Then they present...
Developing Ideas About Peace/Nonviolent Activism
Materials: A few copies of the questionnaire, a large piece of paper, markers Exercise description Divide the participants into smaller groups. Each group should talk through ideas for peace...
Dealing with the Past in My Society
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description The participants split into groups based on the countries they come from. Their task is to prepare a presentation on the state of...
Materials: Flipchart paper, markers Exercise description Step 1. Brainstorming in the plenary: “How would you describe the situation in your societies?” Then we mark the notes that describe what...
Action Pillars*
Materials: Large pieces of paper, markers, “action pillars” model Exercise description The participants are divided into three groups. The groups are given the task of choosing a specific social...
“Enemies” at Official Commemorations
Exercise description The day before, ask individuals from the group to take on roles for this exercise so that they can prepare. Their task will be to participate in displaying...